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Summer Opportunities, Summer Math and Reading Assignments

Dear Students and Families,

We hope you are doing well and staying healthy and safe this summer!
Here are important summer resources:
Summer Enrichment Opportunities (Classes, Internships, etc.) – we update this list whenever we hear of an opportunity so check back often!  This link is accessible via our website –> Summer Enrichment.
Summer Math Enrichment – keep your brain active by reviewing and previewing important math skills!  Please do the skills for your next math course.
Summer Reading Enrichmentread at least three books from our list!  If you are in grades 6-8, write down what you’ve read in your READING LOG! If you are in grades 9-12, your assignment is to update and/or create a Goodreads account! 
Any questions?  Please let us know!
Scill and Imani