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Working Papers

Who needs working papers?

All students between 14 – 17 years of age must get an employment certificate in order to work.

  • Out of state students who are working in New York City must have New York State working papers. The ones from their own state are not sufficient.
  • Minors who are 14 years of age or over are not required to have employment certificates to work as:
    • Caddies
    • Babysitters
    • Engage in casual employment such as yard work and household chores in and about a residence or on the premises of a non-profit, non-commercial organization—as long as these tasks do not involve the use of power-driven machinery.

How do I get working papers?

Your school counselor in Room 510 (Kahlia, Nella or Todd) can distribute your working papers. Please bring in your paperwork at least two days before you will need your working papers.

Make sure you have with you:

  1. Working Papers Application with Section 1 completed and signed by a parent/guardian. You only have to fill out Section 1. 
  2. An original version of a New York State doctor’s note (stating the student is “fit for employment”). Tell your doctor you need a note for your working papers and they should know what to do.

For Summer Only: Please email both your completed application and doctor’s note to

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