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PTA General Meetings

Every parent or guardian of a child who attends Brooklyn Collaborative, BCS staff, administration, and teachers are invited and encouraged to attend BCS PTA General Meetings.

2024-25 Meeting Dates, Times, and Location

PTA General Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month (exceptions noted) during the school year from 6:30–7:30 PM.

An email reminder is sent each month a week before and day of the General Meeting.
For hybrid or virtual meetings, a Zoom link will be sent in advance. Be on the lookout!

Mark your calendars!
All meetings are held from 6:30–7:30 PM

  • Tuesday, Sept 17 – in-person at BCS (NOTE: this is the third week of month)
  • Tuesday, Oct 8 | Expedited election for 2024-25 Members-at-Large & Co-Presidents*
  • Tuesday, Nov 12
  • Tuesday, Dec 10
  • Tuesday, Jan 14
  • Tuesday, Feb 11
  • Tuesday, Mar 11 | Establish nomination committee for Spring elections*
  • Tuesday, Apr 8
  • Tuesday, May 13 | Spring election for the 2024-25 Executive Board*
  • Tuesday, Jun 10 | Vote on preliminary 2025-26 budget

*If you are interested in learning more, contact the PTA Executive Board at

Why Attend a PTA Meeting

Our PTA is one of the cornerstones of the BCS community. We work collaboratively on community-building and fundraising and there are never enough people involved to accomplish all that we’d like.

By connecting with our school’s work, you will get to know your child/ren’s teachers and school leadership as you add your unique perspectives to our school.

Here are some highlights of why attending a PTA is beneficial:

  • Learn about upcoming events and activities
  • Develop closer relationships with school leadership and other BCS families
  • Provide feedback to benefit all of our children
  • Hear about ways to get involved and upcoming volunteer opportunities

The PTA only works if all of us come together! Please join us at one of our upcoming meetings.

We are Crew, not passengers.