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Blended Learning Students – if you feel sick…

Important Reminder for Blended Learning Students:


If you are sick

  • Please stay home
  • This protects the health of the hundreds of other staff and students on our campus


If you feel sick at school

  • Notify your teacher
  • Your teacher will call the nurse and the nurse will evaluate your symptoms
  • If you have COVID-like symptoms (fever, cough, etc.), you will be placed in an isolation room until your parent picks you up and you will be referred to get a COVID test
  • The DOE has to be notified if you have COVID-like symptoms
  • In order to return to the building, you must meet the criteria for re-entry below.  Please notify Scill with your COVID test results.


Criteria for Re-entry – If any staff or students has been showing symptoms of COVID or if they’ve failed the daily health screening, they can only return to school when all of the following conditions are met:

  1. Received a positive COVID-19 test AND
    1. Isolated for ten days AND 
    2. Presents clearance from a healthcare provider AND
    3. The individual has been symptom-free for 24 hours without the use of medication. OR 
  2. Received a negative COVID-19 test AND 
    1. Presents clearance from a healthcare provider AND
    2. The individual has been symptom-free for 24 hours without the use of medication. OR 
  3. Never got a COVID-19 test AND
    1. At least ten days have passed since symptoms started AND
    2. Presents clearance from a healthcare provider AND
    3. The individual has been symptom-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.