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BCS stands together against hatred, scapegoating and stereotyping of the Asian community

Dear BCS Staff, Students, and Families,
During this past year, there has been a disturbing spike in anti-Asian violence and reports of hate crimes against Asian Americans. Most recently, there have been violent attacks against Asian elders on both coasts and just today, there was an anti-Asian assault in Manhattan
As a community, BCS stands together against hatred.  It is unacceptable to scapegoat and stereotype Asian people, and we must be very vigilant against the propensity to pit marginalized groups against each other.  
As we begin our schoolwide expedition in Crew tomorrow using the Black Lives Matter at School curriculum, our allyship and advocacy against racism in all the ways it emerges in our country is close to our minds and hearts.

Here are some things we can do:

In solidarity,Scill, Imani, Tracey