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11/6-7 – BCS Robosharks at the B&N Mini Maker Faire!

UPDATE: On Friday 11/6 and Saturday 11/7, our BCS Robosharks team and the amazing Eddie showcased our Robotics work at the first ever Barnes and Noble Maker Faire.  They gained many fans!  We don’t have the final numbers on how much our team earned for their work, but we expect a fair amount in support of our BCS Maker Space!  Thanks for supporting!


BCS Robosharks will participate in the first ever Barnes & Noble Mini Maker Faire!

  • The faire will take place Fri 11/6 3-7pm and Sat 11/7 11am-7pm at the Barnes and Noble in Park Slope (267 7th Ave).  Please come!
  • If Barnes and Noble sells more than $10,000 of anything in the store while we are there, BCS gets 20%, other wise we get 15%!  This money will help enrich our amazing BCS maker space, led by our tech specialist Eddie!
  • Please support!  Go Robosharks!  Check out the link:

Please join us for Park Slope’s Greatest Show & Tell! Students from Brooklyn Collaborative show off what they’ve been working on, including 3D Printers, Meccanoid Robots, Spheros, mbots, and more! These hardworking students will earn a percentage of sales made Nov 6 & 7, so come show your support!  GO BCS!!!  GO ROBOSHARKS!!

