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9/18 – Getting Ready for School – Day 3 Orientation!

Hello scholars!


We’ll be meeting again in Crew Friday morning and continuing to explore the guiding question of our expedition: What does it mean to belong?  We will also have a virtual circle on Friday afternoon.  There will also be some time for self-directed learning activities, breaks, and reflection.


To prepare for today’s lessons, make sure that you have read or watched one of the Jigsaw texts / videos and taken notes that you can share in small groups.


Here is our schedule for Friday: 


Time Activity Link
Pd 1

9:00 – 9:55

BBK: Jigsaw breakout groups Get Zoom link from your Crew leader
Pd 2

9:55 – 10:50

Task sheet overview for Belonging Project (same as above)
Pd 3

10:50 – 11:45

Self-Directed Learning:

Research on Belonging

Link to lesson in Google Classroom
Pd 4

11:45 – 12:40

Self-Directed Learning:

Eat lunch / Take a movement break

Pd 5

12:40 – 1:35

Circle: Where do you belong? Get Zoom link from your Crew leader
Pd 6

1:35 – 2:30

Self-Directed Learning:

Designing your space

Link to lesson in Google Classroom


Any questions? Let me know!