Welcome to all our new families who recently received notification that you will be joining Brooklyn Collaborative in Sept 2019! Please save the date of Tues June 11 at 12:30pm for New Student/Family Orientation in our auditorium (610 Henry Street, Brooklyn). We’ll see you then! Please expect a letter in the mail with more details.
At orientation, you will fill out registration documents and engage in activities to set you up for success in Sept 2019! Students engage in crew activities, and parents meet up for your own transition and overview circle with our Support Team! Students receive a BCS shirt, and families receive our first Family Book Club book: Middle School Makeover. This orientation takes place during the June Clerical Day for elementary school students.
Students, please bring the following to the June 11 orientation:
- Your offer letter
- Your parent/guardian
- Your immunization records
- Two documents to verify your address if you no longer live at the address where you received your offer letter:
- rent receipt, lease, mortgage, or property tax bill statement
- utility bill (gas, electric, water)
- letter from a federal, state, or local government agency
- state, city or other government issued ID (driver’s license, IDNYC, etc.) which has not expired
- evidence of custody of the child with name of child and address of residence
In the meantime, please check our website often – we update it weekly with what’s happening in the school! Also, under the Families tab, please click “Videos to Learn more about BCS”
We look forwarding to meeting you!