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5/7-11 – Highlights of the Week!

A very busy week at Brooklyn Collaborative!


5/7 – We enjoyed celebrating Staff Appreciation Week!  Students wrote thoughtful notes to teachers which were delivered to their mailboxes!

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5/7 – Students in ELA 9 presented their Coming of Age roundtables, discussing universalities of coming of age regardless of time/place and their own interviews with adults to hear about their experiences compared with the characters in their Book Club texts.

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5/8 – Upper Grades students had an opportunity to converse with our youth officers (PO Neebar and PO Iturralde) about recent truancy stops and the impact on students.  It was a productive conversation and we hope to have many more to support positive interactions between officers-students.



5/8 – Students in Grade 8 dissected rats in science!



5/8 – Our 7th grade debate had the auditorium buzzing!  Students were debating the legalization of marijuana.  The debaters were impressive! They were composed and thoughtful. They brought seriousness to the topic, demonstrating their breath of understanding of the arguments—ranging from the personal to the political, the economic to the social, the medical to the cultural and the spatial.  Shout out to 7th grade ELA teachers Devon, Christina B, and Jane.



5/10 – Our Lower Grades was on Expeditionary Thursday fieldwork.  In 7th grade, students worked hard to investigate American Hudson River school of art landscapes and their impacts on creating an idealized American myth of the West at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  (In 6th grade, students explored the Museum of Natural History, and in 8th grade, Ellis Island.)

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5/11 – This week the YWCA created their own low fat Ranch Dressing for a delicious salad to enjoy. Several of our students really enjoyed making the salad and shared that they would try to remake it as a healthier alternative at home.




5/11 – Students interacted with professionals at Yondr to discuss the impact of electronics on quality of life.

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