Dear BCS Team, Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and mom-figures in our community!
Grades downloaded at noon on Mon 5/9 and mailed home
- We will download grades from Pupilpath at noon and mail them home
- As always, student/families have 24/7 access to PupilPath
- Please email to get access
Spirit Monday 5/9 – Monochromatic Monday
- Wear different shades of one color to show your school spirit, be ready for photos!
COVID testing
- We will no longer have the van on Mondays unfortunately due to state insurance protocols changing
- Please use your home test kits on before returning on Monday
No more COVID PCR mobile van
- Due to recent updates set by insurance carriers and NYS, LabQ is no longer able to provide regular testing services for schools – we will no longer have the Monday mobile van to do PCR testing
This Tuesday 5/10 – Tuesday Mastery Support
- We have Tuesday afterschool on 2:20pm-3:15pm – check in with your teachers
- All students welcome, students with 55/65/NC are required to stay
- The next grades download that will be mailed home will be 5/9
Plastic-Free Day on 5/16 in the cafeteria during lunch
- We are working with Office of School Foods to participate in Plastic-Free Day on 5/16 – no plastic will be used. The mission is to reduce plastic waste.
- On this day, we will not have utensils.
- No individual packaged food items or dressings on the salad bar.
- Sandwiches will not be plastic wrapped – they will be given to students by request.
- All vegetables are to be prepared so that they can be eaten with hands.
DOE Summer Rising for Grades 6-8 – we have free summer programming in our building
- Families can now apply to Summer Rising at; any student who is currently in grades K–8 is eligible.
- The registration portal is open now here. Please choose 15K146 (Brooklyn New School) as the site to be registered for BCS – we are all under one code in the building (610 Henry St). Once you complete your registration form, you will be enrolled in the program. Please email so we know you have registered.
- Our partner is YWCA and our program is Mon-Fri 8am-6pm from July 5-August 12 for Grades 6-8. We will have our own BCS teachers from 8am-12pm Mon-Thurs and then YWCA staff from 12pm-6pm Mon-Thurs with YWCA field trips around the city on Fridays.
- We will offer limited high school programming TBD.
Amazon Wish List – more tissues and snacks please!
- Please help purchase items off our Amazon Wish List
- Right now, we would most like TISSUES and GRANOLA BARS
- Please choose Friends of Brooklyn Collaborative Studies as your charity on Amazon Smile and donate to BCS while you shop at Amazon at no cost to you!
Donate to our Donors Choose
- Please help us to get additional supplies so that we have a plentiful amount for students who request items/snacks – this request also includes a photo printer so that classes and crews have access!
Free Summer Gym Membership for Teens