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3/17 – Fundraiser for COVID-19 Needs: Live Stream of Irish Music 3/17 6pm from BCS Teacher!

See below from Brooklyn Collaborative US History Teacher John Schmitt.  A celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and a timely fundraiser to support folks in need during this very difficult time in the city!  We are crew – let’s all help where we can!  Please share with your networks and on Facebook.
I’m doing a live stream of music tomorrow to help raise some money for folks that need it.  Please share!

On St. Patrick’s Day (Tuesday 3/17) from 6-7pm EST, I am doing a one-hour live stream concert of my favorite Irish songs on Facebook Live!  Go to to tune in (if you click LIKE on the page, it will send you a notification when I am live).
I grew up with Irish music, and my grandmother and great grandfather were each Irish singers.  I carry on their tradition each year.  St. Patrick’s Day is almost spiritual for me, where I sing songs that spell out the joy, pain, celebration, and mourning of the Irish experience.  I hope it will bring you all a bit of comfort, as it always has for me.
It’s free to watch, but I am accepting donations for Brooklyn Community Services ( which is helping low-income people get through this unprecedented time.  You can donate to me @johnschmitt731 on Venmo and I’ll let folks know the total at the end of the show.  If we are on a roll and raising lots of money, I’ll keep playing for folks!  
Thankfully, I haven’t had to worry about finances, meals, or a warm place to feel protected, so this is the least I could do to help.  Please tune in tomorrow, and bring your generosity!
John Schmitt

Social Studies Department Chair
U.S. History Teacher
Brooklyn Collaborative Studies
610 Henry Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231