A PACKED week at Brooklyn Collaborative! Where are we getting the energy?! Check out some highlights below!
Grade 6 Robotics are programming a robot to go through a maze! Watch out for those tight corners!
12/9 – Physics students starting our new case study on acceleration by participating in a group paradigm lab. The lab involves tracking a spindle rolling down an incline.
12/9 – Crew 9 and Crew 12 met up as part of our lead-up to College March. Ninth graders interviewed 12th graders on their journey through high school and in the college application process, receiving insights and advice!
12/9 – Attorneys Thao Tran and Thuy Nguyen visited Tanisha and Stephen’s internship seminar on Monday morning to speak about their career rise in corporate law and how/why high-powered firms take on pro-bono legal aid work.
12/11 – Students in Grade 8 science learning about cognitive skills, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills required for a variety of challenging activities. They rotated from station to station playing games and using their minds and hands!
12/11 – We had our BCS/BNS Creating Connections through Songwriting and Poetry event this evening, December 11th from 6:00 -8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. BCS 6th graders and BNS 5th graders came together for an evening share after a week of songwriting and poetry workshops in under the direction of Emmy-nominated producer-composer Shevy Smith. The 6th Grade workshops took place in Social Studies classes. Shevy returned to BNS / BCS for a fifth year of songwriting and poetry to give voice to Syrian women in refugee camps in Bulgaria. The women refugees supply the words and Shevy and the children put the words to music. What a heartfelt and inspiring event, helping us all to learn deeper empathy and caring.
12/13 – Our annual College March was a success! So proud of the BCS Class of 2020! Everyone turned out to celebrate our seniors! Check out the longer post here: https://www.smore.com/ht19b
12/13 – Our students in Kori’s American Sign Language classes are shooting a music video of ‘Dear Theodosia’ from Hamilton performed and signed. We are working with filmmaker Cecilia Mejia and partnering with a Deaf school in NYC. How exciting!
Students in Algebra 2 were working together on polynomials, huddling over whiteboards in Sarah’s class to talk out the solution!
So proud of Green Engineering students – These are the first three groups to fully complete their grid models. They were so happy when they finally got them to light up!
Chase, a BCS senior, performed with the Possibility Project and was joined by several of her peers and teachers to cheer Chase on!