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12/10-14 – Highlights of the Week!

What a full week!!!

12/9 – Our first everMiddle School BCS Robosharks Team 15392 competed in the US FIRST FTC (First Tech Challenge) robotics competition at John Dewey High School.  Teams from all over New York City competed in a game called Robo Ruckus where they had the task of building a robot that can move in a field with the goal of scoring as many points as possible.  At the end of a long and tiring day, BCS placed 14th out of 25, which was exceptional for a 7th-grade rookie team (BCS beat out a lot of high school teams).  Our Middle School BCS Robotics team was persistent, responsible, and collaborative—putting in many hours and person power to come up with this robot. The team demonstrated skills including building, programming, and understanding rules, regulations, and strategies!  The team celebrated and also immediately began to reflect and discuss areas of growth as they look ahead to their next competition in January!

MS Robotics Team MS Robotics Team MS Robotics Team

12/10 – Seniors presented their POV on NY State Senate Bill 2857A (all NYS gun owners need to carry medical and death insurance to pay victims who are harmed or killed by their guns).  Seniors spoke eloquently with several lawmakers, including State Senator Diana Savino and NYS Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon.

Students lobbying for a bill Students lobbying for a bill Students lobbying for a bill

12/12 – Our 6th graders attended the Circus Abbyssinia: Ethiopian Dreams show at the New Victory Theater in Times Square!

circus abyssinia

students watching show

12/12 – Our 7th graders fanned out across the city to engage in Explorers Tours at CUNY campuses: Medgar Evers, College of Staten Island, York College, and Bronx Community College.  They had a lovely informative time with their crew leaders!  These trips were made possible in partnership with the DOE MS College Access for All initiative.

students visiting college campus students visiting college campus students visiting college campus students visiting college campus students visiting college campus


12/13 – Some of our 6th grade students went on a special fieldwork trip to the Javits Center to work on a coding project called ‘Water for Life”.  They were first given an overview of the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations, specifically focusing on SDG 6 (access to clean water and sanitation).  Thanks to our Tech Specialist Eddie for coordinating!

students at coding event students at coding event students at coding event

12/14 – Our annual College March was an amazing success!  So proud of the Class of 2019.  Check out our longer post here:

Highlights from our YWCA Lower Grades Afterschool Program:

  • Homemade Pizza! This week the YWCA @ BCS after-school program’s cooking class prepared pizza from scratch! Our students learned how to use make their own sauce, dough and other ingredients to make this popular kid favorite. Next week we’re making jam!
  • Girl Power! This week our after-school girls had a successful youth development class where they learned about healthy friendships, communication and team building skills. We facilitate these classes every Tuesday and we are looking forward to the upcoming projects and trips for the new year.


Come and show your support for our Varsity Girls and Boys Basketball Teams!  Our Cheer Team pumps up the team and audience at each home game!  Check us out – Go Wolves!  Our PSAL calendar is here: