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11/12-15 – Highlights of the Week!

Busy week at BCS!


11/12 – Our 7th graders presented their Social Studies PBAT about La Malinche, deciding if they think she should be viewed as a hero, traitor or victim.  

11/12 – Our PTA meeting welcomed guest speaker Ms Tatiana Martin, a CASAC (credentialed alcohol & substance abuse counselor) student at Exponents.


11/12 – Tuesday Clubs were a lot of fun!  Students enjoyed Anime/Manga Club in the Library Office.


11/13 – The BNS/BCS Library hosted an author visit with Ibi Zoboi (‘My Life as an Ice Cream Sandwich”, her other titles for Young Adults include “Pride”, “American Street”, and “Black Enough: Stories of Being Young & Black in America”).  Our 6th graders were happy to be in the audience to listen to this inspiring writer!

11/13 – We had our Nov Parent Equity Workshop where we enjoyed dinner and a few storytelling rounds related to our experience as students in schools PreK-12.  It was wonderful to build community and learn more about each other.


11/14 – Lower Grades had another fun day of fieldwork on Expeditionary Thursday.  Stay tuned for our longer post.


11/14 – Former city council member and political powerbroker, Diana Reyna, visited Stephen & Tamika’s government class to share ideas addressing police-youth relations.


11/15 – Grade 6 students played Charades at their Habits of Scholarship celebration.

11/15 – Pakistani-born poet, Ayesha Raees, joined Stephen and Tamika’s
government class on Friday afternoon to share her politically-charged
work celebrating immigrant voices.


Celebrations around the school!

In Climate Change, we celebrate Denisse, Abigail, and Oscar for achieving Exemplary mastery for our current case study. Once they reach exemplary, students have the choice of acting as a coach for peers or tackling an independent study.  Denisse and Abigail are coaching and Oscar is pursuing a study of climate-related extinction events.  

Imani, Scill, and Adam participated in an EL Education Institute around leading schoolwide improvement using data and an equity lens led by author Sarah Fiarman and EL School Designer Aurora.