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YWCA Afterschool – Continuous Learning!

The after school program was busy this week. The Cooking class investigated the science involved in cooking, by conducting experiments around the marinating process. The students tested different substances found in marinades to determine which were most effective in infusing the food with flavor. Different parts of the marinade serve different roles, one of which is breaking down the proteins in the food to allow flavor to enter. Students used food coloring as a way to study the effects of each ingredient. The theater class made collage posters based on themes they explored from A Raisin in the Sun. They presented their posters to the rest of the program, explaining their interpretations. This week marked the end of the first semester of the after school program. Students selected their classes for the second semester, which we are excited to kick off when we return from mid-winter recess. It is going to be an exciting spring term!


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