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Please join the BCS PTA!

BCS Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Every parent or guardian of a child who attends Brooklyn Collaborative is a member of the BCS PTA!

About Us We are parents, guardians, families, staff, and administration within our school community supporting Brooklyn Collaborative community-building and fundraising. Our PTA strives to represent our entire community. We are crew not passengers. Please join us!

Get Involved There are many ways to engage in our school community–attend PTA meetings, join a committee, attend events, serve on a Performance-Based Assessment Task panel, host an intern at your workplace, volunteer at our fall UnityFest, and more.

Donate We ask families, that can, to give in support of BCS. This year, our school lost our Title 1 Federal school-wide funding for the first time in our school’s history–resulting in a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars in our school budget. Any money that families can give would support programs, equipment, supplies, and expeditionary learning trips. Every dollar counts and we are grateful for each family’s contribution. You can donate to the BCS PTA via PayPal here.

2022 – 2023 PTA General Meetings

The PTA General Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month from September through June from 6:15–7:25 PM. All parents, guardians, families, and caregivers are welcome and encouraged to attend. The video link or location details will be shared with the school community via email prior to each of the following General Meeting dates:

Tuesday, Sept 13

Tuesday, Oct 11

Tuesday, Nov 8

Tuesday, Dec 13

Tuesday, Jan 10

Tuesday, Feb 14

Tuesday, Mar 14 | Establish nomination committee for the 2023-2024 Executive Board

Tuesday, Apr 18 (Updated)

Tuesday, May 9 | Spring election for the 2023-2024 Executive Board

Tuesday, Jun 13

2022-2023 PTA Executive Board

To contact the BCS PTA Executive Board, send an email to and one of us will get back to you.


Venus Dennison, 11th grade parent

Reyhan Mehran, 7th grade parent


Kim Berney-Brooke, 9th grade parent

Gina Morales, 10th grade parent


Karen Bagnini, 12th grade parent

We are looking for a co-secretary for the 2022-2023 school year. If this sounds like something you’d like to help out with, please contact the PTA Executive Board at

Members at Large

Talia Milgrom-Elcott, 7th grade parent

Gregg Mitchell, 8th grade parent

Marie-Claire Roberts, 7th grade parent

Sara Rothstein, 8th and 10th grade parent


Fundraising Committee

Social Media Committee

Bylaws Committee

Community Building Committee
BNS/BCS Parent Action Committee