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12/2 – LG Expeditionary Thursday Update

This week we had Expeditionary Thursdays and Fridays

Today, 8th graders ventured to Queens to the Hall of Science. Yesterday, 7th graders kicked off their interdisciplinary expedition: Sugar! Is it worth it? 6th graders used the work they have done in Social Studies this fall on identity and community to build their dream school.

6th graders build their dream school

6th graders combined skills of collaboration, interview, art and creativity to work on the following learning targets: I can reflect on my own experiences to create a school that is supportive of all students and, I can be open minded with my peers while working collaboratively.They interviewed each other and adults, learned from experts through short video clips, and channeled their creative side to envision the best possible school environment. Some aspects, like an all gender bathroom, and a focus on kindness we see here at Brooklyn Collaborative. Other elements like the zero gravity skating rink one team designed we’ll have to work on!

7th graders get a close look at sugar

The day began with a visit to the candy store…

But this wasn’t a regular candy store. At this mock store, students got first hand experience with just how many calories are in the sugary products we consume.

Here is a summary of the expedition: Recently the UN and World Health Organization recommended taxing sugary drinks to curb the global epidemics of obesity and diabetes. Students in 7th grade will explore this tax as well as the history of sugar in our country. They will begin in Social Studies by looking at triangle trade and sugar’s historical ties to the transatlantic slave trade. They will then explore how sugar impacts the body by looking at the chemical breakdown of sugar in Science class. This work is supported in Math through an analysis of nutrition labels using proportional relations. In ELA students will look at media spin, bias, and representation through the lens of advertisements and how sugar is sold to its consumers.

In the photos below you see students exploring two “mystery objects:” sugar nippers and a sugar loaf as well as exploring how many push ups and jumping jacks it takes to burn 1 calorie.

8th Grade traveled to the Hall of Science to support their science case study, The Evolution of Me

This Expedition was a hands on approach to developing background knowledge on cells, human evolution, and the effect of the environment on animal behavior and organism development. Students used a fieldwork guide to track their work and bring it back to class to support their final projects. Students also participated in a guided lab looking at the effect of the environment on animal survival.