Student Council Weekly Update
- On Friday, April 12th, Student Council had its weekly meeting (Grades 6-12).
- Grade representatives continued their committee work.
- The Beautification/School Facilities Committee met with Custodian Engineer Manny to share and discuss their findings from the circles, survey, and meeting with Johanna and to collaborate with the custodial team on how to efficiently and effectively implement the Committee’s ideas about school cleanliness.
- The School Spirit Committee engaged in a glows/grows activity as they reflected upon the March Madness events that included the staff vs. student basketball game and the pep rally preceding the game, spirit days, the Middle School Glow Dance Party and the High School “Rep Your Flag” Dance Party. They were deservedly proud of the success of March Madness!They Committee also began to plan for the next staff vs. student volleyball game and pep rally on Friday, May 24th.
- The Fundraising Committee is planning additional fundraising bake sales.
- Student Council as a whole also drafted a response letter about closing the bathroom doors for the first and last 10 minutes of each class period. The letter will be shared with BCS community after spring recess. Student Council also began a discussion about a school store for next year.
- Social Justice Committee: Shout out to our middle school student council members Isabella, Clyde, and Benji for raising awareness at BCS about the Youth Climate Strike and spearheading student participation.Over 30 students and families participated!
- Student Council meets weekly periods 5 & 6 in the Health Studio (room 124)