Dear BCS Students and Families,
We hope you are having a wonderful summer! We look forward to seeing you soon! Keep your brain sharp – we recommend reading and Khan Academy every day!
$$Please donate to our PTA
- We rely on our PTA to supplement our school budget so that all students have equitable access to our programming, including trips, supplies, camping, etc.
- PLEASE donate – we recommend $50 per family if you’re able
$$Please support our Donors Choose fundraisers – TODAY IS A MATCH GRANT$$
- Our teachers regularly fundraise through Donors Choose – please donate generously to support BCS! Starting August 2nd until funds run out, Donors Choose is matching all donations with a 1.5 boost! That means your $50 donation becomes $75!
- Click here for a list of all BCS projects currently fundraising!
School Supplies – Families do NOT need to purchase supplies
- To support students and families with reducing stress and promoting equity, we will provide all supplies for students. You do NOT need to purchase anything – students just need a book bag and writing utensils. There are no supply lists.
Crew Assignments and Crew Rooms, Student Schedules
- New students to BCS (Grades 6 and 9 and transfers into other grades) will receive their crew assignment with room number by email by Tues 9/3. Students may not request a crew or to be in the same crew with their friends.
- Returning students in Grades 7-8 and Grades 10-12 are in the same crew as last year and you already know your crew leaders and rooms.
- The first two days of school (Thurs 9/5 and Fri 9/6) are full crew days for orientation and students will be in their crew room (8:45am-3:05pm).
- Students will receive their schedules during the full crew days. (Note: Students in Grade 6 and 9 will have temporary schedules for up to 2 weeks so that we can get to know students before we make equitable final cohorts.)
New Student Orientation
- If you are a new family to BCS (and you did not attend our orientations in June), there are two opportunities to come see the building and meet admin. Optional – all are welcome! Please email our Assistant Principal Imani with questions:
- Wed 9/4 at 4pm
- Thurs 9/5 at 9am (after student drop-off)
- Location – Cafeteria
First Day of School is Thurs 9/5 @ 8:45am
- The first day of school is Thursday 9/5 – our school day begins at 8:45AM. Students should arrive by 8:35am to be on time.
Arrival to School
- Doors open at 8:30am. School begins at 8:45am.
- On the first day of school, Grade 6 students enter through the cafeteria doors (middle of Henry St) where Crew leaders will pick the students up at 8:35AM from the cafeteria.
- After the first day of school, Grades 6 students enter through the Coles Street yard and go to their Crew classroom directly (do not wait in the cafeteria).
- Grades 7 & 8 students enter through the Coles Street back yard at 8:35AM and go directly upstairs to the 4th floor to their Crew rooms.
- Grades 9-12 students enter on Henry Street at 8:35AM at the doors farthest to the left when facing the building (MAIN ENTRANCE, by Coles Street, by the gym) and go directly upstairs to the 5th floor to their Crew rooms.
- We will have signs and staff posted to help you find your way around!
7th and 10th grade Crew Camping
- We are very excited that camping is coming up for our 7th and 10th grade crews! This is a core component of the BCS experience. Expect more information soon from Arden, our Camping Coordinator, and your child’s crew leader!
- Grade 10 – 9/24-9/26
- Grade 7 – 10/8-10/10
- Crew Base Camp is an overnight camping experience in Fishkill, NY. (About 2 hours north of the city!) The trip includes activities such as low-challenge courses and team-building initiatives to help students develop communication skills and build community within their Crew, their core unit during their time at Brooklyn Collaborative. BCS covers the cost for all students to attend.
Early Morning Yard for Middle School
- Middle school students can come daily for supervised recess in the yard from 8:15am-8:35am. Come and hang out before school starts!
Dismissal from School
- School ends at 3:05pm daily. Students can leave the building via the main entrance or the entrance on Rapelye Street to support with traffic flow.
- All middle and high school students are permitted to go home at 3:05pm on their own, they do not need to wait for a parent pick-up. If you are picking up your child, please make sure they know to wait for you.
- Hot breakfast is available from 8:15-8:35am in the cafeteria daily.
- All students should bring a refillable water bottle and a snack daily.
- Grades 6-8 students eat in the cafeteria – students eat home lunch or a school lunch. Each grade rotates through the cafeteria for 15 min, and there is 30 min of recess in the yard/gym.
- Grade 9 students eat in the cafeteria – please bring a home lunch or plan to eat school lunch.
- Grades 10, 11, 12 eat home lunch or a school lunch. They also have the privilege of going out to lunch within an 8-block radius of the school to ensure that they arrive to their Pd 7 class on time. Students who are late to afternoon classes lose the privilege to go outside.
MS Afterschool – Free YWCA Programming for all students Grades 6-8 (Mon-Fri 3:05pm-6pm)
- We have an amazing afterschool program with the YWCA for all students Grades 6-8 (free for all students) tentatively everyday Mon-Fri from 3:05pm-6:00pm in the building
- There is academic help, fun activities, workshops led by experts like professional chefs, programmers, etc.
- Any questions and for the application – please email our Afterschool Director Danielle Midgette at
MS Tuesday Afterschool Clubs for Middle School
- MS staff will offer clubs afterschool on Tuesdays. We welcome all students to stay afterschool on Tuesdays for a variety of clubs with their teachers. More details to follow with this year’s offerings.
HS Afterschool – Free IM Programming for all students Grades 9-12 (times vary)
- We have an amazing afterschool program with Inspiring Minds NYC for all students Grades 9-12 (free for all students). Students can join one day or everyday for 10 week cycles.
- Any questions and for the application – please email our Afterschool Director Ashley Armand at
Jumprope online grading system will be available for students/families
- Our grading and attendance system is Jumprope. By late Sept, we will set up new students and families with their Jumprope accounts. Returning students and families already have Jumprope accounts.
- Cell phones must be off and out of sight during school. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronics so please do not bring expensive items to school.
- Middle school students (Grades 6-8) have their phones collected by their Pd 1 teacher and returned by their Pd 8 teacher. Teachers lock the phones during the school day. MS students cannot use their phones at lunch.
- High school students (Grades 9-12) turn in their phones at the beginning of each period and get it back at the end of the period – each teacher has a lock box
- Please dress in layers. Our building is not fully air-conditioned and it may get hot or cold. Windows will be open where possible.
Seeking places willing to host 11th grade interns
- BCS is seeking to expand the internship placement opportunities for our 11th graders. We need your support!
- We would greatly appreciate if you would share this flyer at your place of employment and pass it along to organizations/businesses who might be willing to host an intern this year! Interns volunteer at worksites Mon/Tues/Wed 3pm-5pm (hours may vary) one semester of their junior year.
DOE Calendar
- The 2024-25 DOE school year calendar is available here: calendar
Important BCS Dates to note
- Thurs 9/26 – Curriculum Night (virtual)
- Sat 10/19 – BCS/BNS Unity Fest (in-person) 11am-3pm in the cafeteria/yard – bring your families!
For school updates and communications
- Regularly check our website (
- Make sure you’re on our family listserve to receive emails from us (if you received this email, you’re on our listserve!)
- Follow us on Instagram (TheCollaborativeChronicle)
- Note – Scill, Imani and Tracey will be taking vacation after Summer Rising ends and we will be back online the week of 8/26. Please expect a delay in replies to emails. Thank you!
Parents, sign up for your NYC Student Account (NYCSA)
- Parents can sign into their New York City Student Account (NYCSA) to access information from DOE systems about your child. In your NYCSA account, you can find your child’s grades, attendance, test scores, schedules, transportation information, and more— from anywhere, and in all nine standard DOE language translations.
- If you have not previously created an account, you will need an account creation code. Please email with your child’s full name and grade (and OSIS number if you know it) and your request for a code.
Student Health: Immunization Required by DOE
- Review your child’s immunization requirements so that they may be up-to-date for the start of the school year. Immunizations are required to attend DOE public schools. For more information on immunizations, please visit the Infohub (Health Forms and Notices page here).
PSAL Sports (Grades 9-12)
- Please see below a list of sports at BCS! These team sports are offered for grades 9-12 students. All sports teams compete on the Varsity level. Please see below:
- Fall Teams:
- Boys Soccer
- Girls Volleyball
- Winter Teams:
- Boys Basketball
- Girls Basketball
- Spring Teams:
- Boys Baseball
- Girls Softball
- Fall Teams:
- To participate in team sports at BCS, PSAL (Public School Athletic League) requires a completed medical form, and a completed parental consent form:
- Tryout information for Volleyball & Soccer to come soon!
- If you have any questions please email Athletic Director
For school updates and communications
- If you did not receive this email directly from us, please make sure you’re on our family listserve
To join, email with your email and child’s name and grade