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3/14 – Crews Speak Up Against Gun Violence!

Crews take action to raise awareness about gun violence!


How did Crews take action?

In Crew, we have been talking about and will continue to discuss ongoing issues surrounding gun violence in our country. At Brooklyn Collaborative, it is part of our mission to prepare students for full participation in civic life. For us, full participation means taking a stand on issues that matter to us. We viewed today’s crew action as a learning opportunity for students and adults to educate ourselves about this issue and engage civically. Protesting is both a Constitutional right and a powerful means of communicating your stance on an issue. We encourage students and educators in our school community to educate themselves about the issues being discussed, to ask questions and seek answers, and not just answers from people who already agree with you. Once you’re informed, we encourage you to commit yourself to putting in the work necessary to change society for the better.

In the days leading up to today in Crew, students engaged in lessons about why protest matters and groundbreaking youth movements. They also made chains of bracelets to represent our community as a crew and made posters with individual messages about gun violence. Today, on Wednesday, March 14 at 10am, Brooklyn Collaborative crews (Grades 6-12) and Brooklyn New School classes (Grades PreK-5) engaged in a walk-around our school building and participated in an interactive art installation to show solidarity with #Enough: National School Walkout, to speak out against gun violence.



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What actions were taking place nationwide?

Brooklyn Collaborative and Brooklyn New School engaged in a walk around our school building to show solidarity with #Enough: National School Walkout.

Here is the mission statement from #Enough National School Walkout, the student-led coordinating arm of the nation-wide walk out:



We are living in an age where young people like us do not feel safe in our schools. This issue is personal for all of us, especially for those of us who are survivors of gun violence. We are walking out for ALL people who have experienced gun violence, including systemic forms of gun violence that disproportionately impact teens in Black and Brown communities. It is important that when we refer to gun violence, we do not overlook the impact of police brutality and militarized policing, or see police in schools as a solution. We also recognize the United States has exported gun violence through imperialist foreign policy to destabilize other nations. We raise our voices for action against all these forms of gun violence.


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Who organized today’s action?  What do the bracelets represent?

Today’s action was organized by the BNS/BCS Building Cabinet, the BCS Social Justice Committee, BCS Lower Grades Student Council and BCS Upper Grades Student Council. During the walkout, students and staff hung bracelets on the fence in the yard symbolizing that we are all connected and that we stand with others who are advocating for laws that make us, our communities, and our schools safer. This visual representation will remain on the fence as an art installation and reminder of the importance of civic engagement and work to make our schools, streets and neighborhoods safer.


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(last photo credit: Justin Weiner, BNS parent)