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1/29-2/2 – Highlights of the Week!

We had a full week!


1/29 – No classes for students.  All staff immersed all day in professional development.  Upper Grades teachers went to the Consortium and heard keynote speaker James Forman, Jr., author of the acclaimed “Locking Up Our Own: Crime & Punishment in Black America.”  Then they participated in teacher-led workshops and then collaborated in the afternoon on best practices in mastery based grading.  Lower Grades staff participated in workshops in the morning led by Ramapo.  Then in the afternoon, staff reviewed data from first semester grades and determined plans of action to support students in demonstrating mastery in the spring semester.



1/30 – Our Lower Grades students had their annual ice skating trip, and our Upper Grades students participated in our annual Campus Invasion!

Lower Grades Skating Fun!

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2/2 – We had our monthly family breakfast.  This month, school librarian Amanda Clarke talked about how to partner with the BCS school library to develop and maintain a reading culture at home.

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