Students from the Green Engineering class are in the middle of the expedition, “How does BCS get and use its electricity?” During the first case study, students learned about the various ways that electricity is generated and built a model generator. In the second case study, students are exploring the NYC power grid – where we get our power and how it travels from its multiple generation points to the outlets in our school. As part of this case study students built a working replica of the NYC electrical grid. Students took a trip on Thurs 12/8 to the Brooklyn Navy Yard Cogeneration Plant was the culmination of this case study. Students heard from Projects General Manager Chris Trabold about how this power plant generates both electricity and steam to supply NYC. Then, students took a tour of the facility to see the actual turbines and heat recovery units at work. Our last case study will involve exploring the amount of electricity that BCS uses and also ways to lessen our power usage and increase our sustainability. Shout out to teachers Beth and Milo for developing engaging local case studies and planning incredible fieldwork opportunities for our students!