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12/3-7 – Highlights of the Week!

A busy week to start December at Brooklyn Collaborative!

12/3 – Our Upper Grades Yoga class finds a quiet moment in a busy month!  Thanks to our yoga expert, teacher Arden!

students doing yoga

12/3 – Seniors protested in favor of better conditions for NYCHA residents at Brooklyn Borough Hall.

students protesting in Brooklyn Borough Hall students protesting in Brooklyn Borough Hall

12/6 – We hosted the Affinity District Equity Team, including researcher Dr. Eddie Fergus.  The team and Dr. Fergus (author of  Solving Disproportionality and Achieving Equity: A Leader′s Guide to Using Data to Change Hearts and Minds) supported our Restorative Practices team in looking at our discipline data.

Dr. Edward Fergus leading session goals of district equity sessions

12/6 – Our Upper Grades engaged in our annual Mathlympics, competing in numeracy activities in a day-long event with their crew.  Congratulations to William and Chrissy’s 10th grade crew for taking the trophy!  Check out the longer post here:

students competing in Mathlympics students competing in Mathlympics students competing in Mathlympics

12/6 – Grade 6 ELA classes worked for two weeks to write original songs and compositions using the words of refugee women writers on behalf of the Passerine Project and the Afghan Women’s Writers Project, alongside Grammy-award winner/songwriter Shevy Smith.

students performing music students performing music students performing music students performing music

12/6 – Students in Grade 6 Math were using their current mastery levels to support their skill development.

mastery levels written on board

12/7 – Students in ELA Grade 9 were thrilled to participate in a Skype session with author Angie Thomas, author of the smash YA success The Hate U Give.  Students were culminating their study of the novel with teachers Angela and Tamika.

students Skyping with author

12/7 – We had our December Family Breakfast on the topic of Mindfulness: How to Help Your Child Manage Stress.  Parents participated in a circle with counselor Deb and learned strategies to manage their own stress as well as their children.

circle centerpiece parents in a circle