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11/13-17 – Highlights of the Week!

Here are some highlights from our week!



Grade 7 did some theater exercises with teaching artists in the classroom as part of the pre-work leading up to seeing The Migration at New Victory Theater on Friday!

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Grade 9 and 12 crews switched it up, with freshmen interviewing seniors with questions like: How have the choices you  made in 9th, 10th and 11th grades affected your options for colleges now?, What are your high school highlights, regrets, & advice for me?, and What excites you most about college?  Grade 9 students will be creating posters for each senior, in preparation for our 12/15 Annual 100% College-Bound College March!


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Grade 11 US History did an interactive word wall where students collaborated on a concept map, reviewing terms from their decolonization unit.

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Our Advanced Spanish class did research and poster presentations about human rights violations/topics affecting the Latinx community.

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Our Library use is skyrocketing!  We have circulated 900+ books to students in just two months, and we’ve had over 25 class visits to the library, focusing on just right books and research and information gathering.  Shout out to our amazing librarians, Amanda C and Susan!

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Our Upper Grades Chemistry students did a hosted gallery walk of their comic strips related to chemicals found in the air we breathe around BCS.

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Our beautiful bulletin boards are springing up in our halls, helping students to stay active citizens of our world.
