Dear BCS Students/Families,
We hope you have good Student-led Conferences on Wed or Friday! Please stay in touch with crew leaders as the semester progresses so that we can partner to support our students!
Purchase BCS Gear and Support BCS PSAL Athletics
- Purchase BCS shirts/shorts and have it delivered directly to your homes. Let’s show our school spirit. Here is the shop link.
Amazon Wish List – more stools, more snacks
- Please help purchase items off our Amazon Wish List
- Right now, we would most like STOOLS and GRANOLA BARS from the wish list to help with sitting outside at lunch and with providing snacks to students
- Please choose Friends of Brooklyn Collaborative Studies as your charity on Amazon Smile and donate to BCS while you shop at Amazon at no cost to you!
Spirit Day – Decades Day on Mon 11/15
- Tomorrow Mon 11/15 is BCS Spirit Monday – Dress for your favorite decade! We want to see your outfits repping the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and early 2000s!
- Be ready to take photos!
- Please share with
Attend Tuesday Mastery Support afterschool (Tues 2:20pm-3:15pm)
- All students are encouraged to attend Tuesday Mastery Support afterschool to check-in with teachers
Fridays are BCS Shirt Day
- Show BCS pride – wear your BCS shirts on Fridays!
DOE Universal Mosaic Curriculum Community Engagement Town Halls
- The DOE is developing the Universal Mosaic Curriculum program, a new comprehensive, culturally diverse English language arts (ELA) and math curriculum for all students in grades K–12, set to launch in fall 2023. In order to receive feedback from school communities, to guide the development of the new curriculum, the DOE is hosting virtual town halls, with opening remarks from Chancellor Meisha Porter on all dates. The town halls will also provide opportunities for students to engage in small group dialogue, in order to center the student experience in the curriculum’s development.
- Please see this flyer (available in all DOE languages), along with these registration details with members of your school community, and encourage them to attend via Zoom on one of the following dates:
- November 13 from 1:00 p.m.–2:15 p.m. (English, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish);
- November 15 from 6:30 p.m.–7:45 p.m. (English, Arabic, Bangla, French, Sign Language); and
- November 16 from 6:30 p.m.–7:45 p.m. (English, Haitian Creole, Korean, Urdu).
Get your vaccine or booster at a city-run vaccination site and BCS gets $100
- If you schedule an appointment at a city-run vaccination site AND pick Brooklyn Collaborative Studies as the referring organization during the online booking process, BCS will receive a $100 incentive payment. You can also go to a city-run walk-in site and say that BCS referred you and we will also get the $100.
- All students/parents who get first doses are eligible for incentives – when you book an appointment through look for the question below and choose Brooklyn Collaborative Studies in the dropdown after putting in your contact details and BCS will get money. See arrows below.