Dear BCS Students/Families,
We hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Support BCS while you shop Amazon $$$
- This link takes you to our Amazon Smile charity link to support Friends of BCS which provides money for the school at no cost to you!
- BCS unique charity link:
Email to reach Imani and Scill
- To easily reach both Imani and Scill, you can email (L2 is what we call ourselves – i.e. the two school leaders at BCS)
Sat 10/23 – Support BCS at Brooklyn PTA Fun Run – register for the BCS Team
- Sat 10/23 in Prospect Park at 9am – run/walk/scooter/toddle
- Register here – registration information ()
- Don’t forget to invite your friends to join the BCS School Team. BCS gets a portion of the proceeds from the event because we are a Title I school
- Can’t make it? Your registration fee will still be applied to help the BCS School Team!
Tues 10/26 – Zoom Family/Student Town Hall to ask any questions!
- Please join us for our Family/Student Town Hall in Zoom to ask any questions.
- Lower Grades (Grades 6-8) – Tues 10/26 at 6:30pm
- Upper Grades (Grades 9-12) – Tues 10/26 at 7:15pm
- Join Zoom Meeting, ID: 85682633731, Passcode: 506635
- Dial in +1 929-436-2866
Thurs 10/28 – SAT School Day for Grade 12, Asynchronous Day for Grades 9-11
- We are administering the SAT to students in Grade 12 on Thurs 10/28 as part of the DOE’s SAT School Day
- As such, students in Grades 9-11 will remain home and receive their instruction through work posted in Google Classroom that day – Grades 9-11 students DO NOT report to the building
- There is LG school like regular – all LG staff and students (Grades 6-8) are in attendance in-person
Sat 11/6 – Support BCS at the BCS-BNS AppleFest
- Community Building Joint School Fundraiser at 610 Henry Street School Yards
- Sat Nov 6, 11am-4pm
- Plan to join us for a day of fun and/or to volunteer to help run booths
White-Affinity Group for BCS Parents
- Invitation to white-identified caregivers at BCS – talk and learn with other parents at BCS once a month on the last Tuesday of the month for 90 minutes (6:45PM-8:15PM) – Dates: 10/26/21, 11/30, 12/21, 1/25/22, 2/22, 3/29, 4/26, 5/31, 6/21
- Group Format: We do an opening activity/check-in, put forward content (in the form of art, writings, podcasts, films, TED talks) that prompts our collective reflection to build our capacity for critical, racial self-awareness and consciousness.
- If you are interested in participating, we will be glad to send you a Zoom invite. Please let us know your interest by responding here:
Tuesday Mastery Support – please stay afterschool with teachers
- All students should stay for Tuesday Mastery Support with teachers afterschool from 2:20pm-3:15pm – this allows students time to check in about questions, get help with school work, and to resolve NXs if they have them
No phones in class or crew, including at lunch
- Please review the Electronics policy for students
- Students who need support with keeping their electronics away will get reminders, parents will be notified, and Restorative Practices Coordinators will design a support plan including holding onto the device during the school day
Tentative due dates for grades for all classes and crew – grades updated in iO
- Thurs 10/28 by noon – progress report
- Wed 12/8 by noon – progress report
- Tues 1/25 by noon – final Sem 1 grades due
- Please make sure that you can access PupilPath to regularly check your grades and mastery levels
We are surveying students if they have a device at home
- Crew leaders will be surveying
- We will give ipads with keyboards to students who do not have a device, based on available inventory
Masks outdoors
- All students and staff must wear a face covering when riding on school buses and anywhere on school property, indoors and outdoors, regardless of vaccination status. This is DOE policy.
- This includes outdoors, for walking trips, instructional lunch, etc.
- If you can maintain >3 feet distance from others, you can take off the mask for longer breaks outdoors.
COVID notifications to the community
- After we notify close contacts, we send out a general update to the community that someone in the school has tested positive so everyone is aware, our notification of close contacts is what teachers observed but may not be exhaustive
Weekly COVID testing – if unvaccinated, please consent
- Our weekly COVID testing has been going smoothly. We test 10% of students who are unvaccinated and have consented.
- If you are unvaccinated, please consent to COVID testing in school using your NYCSA account or by emailing and she will update the system for you
- Weekly testing helps us to catch asymptomatic cases early which helps everyone in the community – this is nasal swab testing done by Dept of Health trained officials
Please stay home if you are sick
- If you are feeling sick, please stay home
- Please email your crew leader (who will notify your teachers and the attendance office) to excuse your absence
- Check Google Classroom regularly to stay on top of your schoolwork and email your teachers for help
- We want you to stay on top of work and to get healthy so that you can return as soon as possible to school
- This is not a remote option – students must attend in-person school in order to pass classes
Please get vaccinated
- Please get vaccinated ( – students who are vaccinated are less likely to contract COVID if in close contact with someone who is positive and if they are asymptomatic, they do not need to quarantine for 10 days if exposed to someone who is positive
- Please update proof of your vaccination to the DOE Vaccine Portal (
PCR tests are more effective than a rapid test
- If you have an option, please get PCR testing instead of a rapid COVID test – they are more reliable in detecting a positive result
- If you took a COVID test, and it is negative but you are still feeling sick, please take another one before you return to school to be sure you are negative
- Any positive COVID tests must be reported to (please forward Scill your results) for community health reporting to the DOE
Shout outs on Instagram
Please complete the Shout out form for any teachers exemplifying the core values or any classmates you would like to shout out – we will post on Instagram and we share with students and their families